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Sports-Cote Court Binder and Aggregate Rich Acrylic Non Slip Paint

When a macadam sports court becomes damaged and starts to develop fretting on the surface, it may be necessary to apply a specialist sports-cote binder and new acrylic paint to rectify the damage. The binder coat is specially designed for use on sports courts to strengthen the tarmac by binding the loose stones together. A new acrylic anti-slip paint coating should always be applied after the sports-cote court binder as you can’t just apply the binder on its own.

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Macadam Sports Surfaces

In the UK, macadam sports courts are very popular because schools and clubs can use them for a range of different sports and activities. The durable and long-lasting tarmac surface requires little maintenance and does not get damaged easily so it’s perfect for recreational use as well as training and competitive matches. Macadam surfacing is made of stones that are mixed together with tar, this mixture is then laid out onto an angular stone sub base. The full tarmac surface system including the sub base is completely porous so the facility can still be used in wet weather because the water can drain away easily without puddling on the surface. An aggregate rich acrylic non-slip paint coating will often be applied to the macadam surface to create the right playing qualities for each different sport. A range of sports including basketball, tennis and netball can be played on macadam as well as other playground games and activities for kids of all ages.

Sports-Cote Court Binder

Although macadam sports surfaces are very durable and can withstand a lot of heavy use, they can become damaged over time if the right MUGA maintenance and cleaning methods aren’t applied. When this happens you can have a sports-cote court binder put onto the surface of the tarmac court to repair the damage and improve both the look and the usability of the facility. The existing tarmac surface must be thoroughly cleaned prior to a binder coat being applied, this will make sure that the binder sticks properly onto the flooring and does not get stuck to any dirt or leaves which are on the surface. Applying a sports-cote court binder will reinforce the macadam on an existing court as a method of repairs, but it can also be applied to a new court which might be in a shaded area that gets consistently damp. This is because the binder can prevent the growth of algae and moss which develop in damp conditions where contaminants get stuck in the pores of the tarmac.

After the sports-cote court binder has been put down and allowed to cure, a new coating of aggregate rich non-slip acrylic paint will be applied to the surface. This specialist sports paint can come in many different colours and designs to create an all-purpose facility with line markings for a variety of sports and games. The acrylic paint gets its slip resistance qualities through a mixture of sand and aluminium oxide which is combined with the paint. Varying amounts of these substances can be added to achieve different ratings of slip resistance depending on the primary sport which will be played on the macadam surface. Once the aggregate rich acrylic non-slip paint has been applied, it should maintain its colour for around 3 years as long as the correct maintenance is carried out and the facility is looked after properly.

Contact Our Team

We install and maintain a variety of macadam sports courts at locations throughout the UK and have applied these binder coats and anti-slip paints to a number of surfaces to improve the overall facility. Please feel free to visit our website if you’d like any more information on the different sports courts, synthetic pitches, and athletics surfaces we specialise in – To talk to one of our experienced staff members about applying a sports-cote court binder and anti-slip paint to your macadam sports surface, use the contact form on this page to send us your details including an area size of the court and a site postcode.

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