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School Playground Ideas

Has your playground got a patch of land that could be put to better use? Are you unsure of what to do with it? Do you need some school playground ideas that would not only reinvigorate the school grounds but be of huge physical and mental benefit to the children too? Then look no further…

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In addition to traditional playground apparatus such as climbing frames and rope bridges, there are other installations such as raised flower beds that give children the opportunity to learn outside of the classroom and have a tactile relationship with nature.

Golden Mile walking surfaces made of rubber crumbs encourage children to walk a mile every day to enhance their physical development. Even something like a giant snakes and ladders board where they are the counter, improves dexterity, balance, mathematical skills, cognitive development and social skills.

There really are a multitude of options for you to consider. If you need any help designing a play area then get in touch with your local supplier by filling in our contact form.

School Outdoor Equipment

School outdoor equipment is rarely given the praise it is due. It uses recreation as a way to enhance children’s learning experiences by introducing fresh air and fun into the learning process, and the results are truly remarkable. Numerous studies show that the following traits when children have access to play equipment;

  • Eye-to-hand coordination is improved
  • Physical dexterity increases
  • Social bonds and learning roles develop faster
  • Physical fitness overall improves
  • Imagination is stimulated
  • They learn about empathy, leadership and friendly competitiveness at an elevated rate
  • They are more attentive back in the classroom and concentration levels are higher
  • They get the recommended allocation of fresh air, physical activity and fun required by OFSTED

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School Playground Equipment Ideas

If you are thinking of updating your play area or installing some for the first time, here are a few school playground equipment ideas to get you started;

  • Hobbit holes – encourages role play, sharing and social bonding
  • Monkey bars – promotes physical advancement and friendly competitiveness
  • Slides and swings – child learn to share and the importance of taking turns and patience
  • Mud kitchens – encourage tactile play, imagination and social skills
  • Balance beams – improves balance, encourages determination and focus
  • Building blocks – imagination is stimulated and working together as a team is forefront

This is just a few of the many options available, but the one thing that all of these things have in common is FUN. Inject a little fun into kid’s learning and watch them flourish. Invest in your children and your school by installing playground apparatus as soon as you can.

Best School Playground Ideas

The best school play area ideas can come from the kids themselves. Give them input into what they want to see and they’ll and amaze you with their ingenuity. Of course, they can’t have total free reign, so here are a few examples of the best ideas.

  • Safety flooring – made from recycled tyres, can be any colour you can imagine, kind to young bones, encourage physical activity.
  • Jungle gym – encompasses everything from slides and swings, to tunnels, climbing frames and rope ladders.
  • Communal seating – this is a bit of a dark horse. Introducing communal seating encourages kids to sit together and bond without them even realising it.
  • Pirate ship/Castle – a large wooden structure that demands to be shared with friends. Imagination is born right here.

This is literally a tiny snapshot of the playground equipment that is available. Assess what is right for your establishment, take the plunge and purchase an installation. You’ll be glad that you did. Children love climbing and exploring all the different features of a diverse playground.

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School Playgrounds

School playgrounds look bare without playground equipment. Why not fulfil the potential your playground has by installing some quality apparatus for the children to play with. In addition to instantly cheering up an area, you will have an investment that multiple generations of kids will learn, play, and have fun on.

Playground equipment is robust, colourful and an essential part of every child’s mental, emotional and physical development. Different features in the playground can help improve organisational skills, preparing them for the future too.

Imagining adventures with their friends on rope bridges and balance beams, discovering friendly competitiveness on climbing frames and acting out role-plays in mud kitchens and Hobbit holes are just some of the money-can’t-buy experiences that playground equipment provides.

School Playground Equipment UK

School playground equipment in the UK has a lot to live up to. Not only does it need to stand up to a battering from the children, but it needs to be able to survive our inclement weather system too!

You’ll find that maintenance is kept to a minimum with most outdoor equipment. They are made from highly durable materials and last for years once they have been installed, making them a very good investment. Check out the various materials and colours that are available now.

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Outdoor Play Equipment for Schools

Outdoor play equipment for schools has become an integral part of the curriculum. They make a primary school look more appealing, encourage social interaction between the children, and ensure that they are getting their recommended amount of daily exercise.

You don’t have to blow the budget to get one of these installations. Building blocks and mud kitchens are a cheaper alternative to bigger pieces of equipment like jungle gyms and pirate ships, and they do just as good a job of helping the kids develop. So, whatever your budget, there will always be something that you can purchase to make the kids learning experiences that much more enjoyable.

When researching outdoor playground equipment for schools you the only thing you need to remember is that it is an investment for the future. The primary school playground ideas that you have will provide hours and hours of joy and stimulation for hundreds of children across a wide age group.

Every kid loves messy play, playing outdoors and using their imaginations to make learning more fun, and playground apparatus give them all of this and more. See just how much you can enrich children’s lives by investing in a few pieces of playground equipment. Your children will thrive and so will your school results.

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